API endpoint (optional)
Salesforce SOQL, SOSL, Apex and Ajax Toolkit
Run queries against any org
If you are an admin or a developer, this tool will make your life easier. You will be able to query your data and run productive commands against your production org, sandbox, developer org or even preview org.You just need to login (standard secured Salesforce oAuth flow) and then any request will be managed directly between your browser and Salesforce org.
If you do not whitelist www.adminbooster.com domain, you will have to define a proxy to run your queries, you can configure https://proxy.adminbooster.com or your own proxy. It is still more secure and performant to whitelist the domain than to use a proxy.
Your profile must be "API Enabled" to use this tool and "Author Apex" to run Apex code with this tool.
Click the help icon to see the list of available commands.