API endpoint (optional)

Salesforce SOQL, SOSL, Apex and Ajax Toolkit

Run queries against any org

If you are an admin or a developer, this tool will make your life easier. You will be able to query your data and run productive commands against your production org, sandbox, developer org or even preview org.
You just need to login (standard secured Salesforce oAuth flow) and then any request will be managed directly between your browser and Salesforce org.
If you do not whitelist www.adminbooster.com domain, you will have to define a proxy to run your queries, you can configure https://proxy.adminbooster.com or your own proxy. It is still more secure and performant to whitelist the domain than to use a proxy.
Your profile must be "API Enabled" to use this tool and "Author Apex" to run Apex code with this tool.
Click the help icon to see the list of available commands.


  • Editor: use Ctrl+Enter instead of clicking on the "Run" button
  • Query:
    • You can display cross objects parent field values.
      Ex: select name,owner.name from account
    • If a "Select" is returning aggregate values, a graph is automatically displayed
      Ex: select count(id) qty,status from case group by status
  • URL # parameters: use both "access_token" and "instance_url" to bypass the login process
    Ex: https://www.adminbooster.com/tool#access_token=00Dxxx...&instance_url=https%3A%2F%2F...
  • URL # parameters: use both "client_id" and "redirect_uri" to use your own Connected App for the oAuth flow
  • URL # parameters: use "listing" to pre-load a listing saved on the server
  • Use the scratch pad to copy/paste (or select+drag+drop) from and to the query editor. ScratchPad data is persistent and will remain next time you access the tool.
  • If you whitelist this website instead of using adminbooster proxy, you will have a 100% secure access to your data: only between your browser and your Salesforce instance. Adminbooster server is never involved to access your data. The access token retrieved by the authentication flow is NOT sent over the network to the server (only to your browser).
  • You can develop and use your own proxy. Target instance domain name will be set in "X-Host" http header. Proxy url can be predefined in the url through a # named parameter (proxy).
    Ex: https://www.adminbooster.com/tool#proxy=https%3A%2F%2Fyourdomain
  • Quick access to the Playground with this bookmarklet:


  • YOU CAN:
    • Use this tool for free, at any time.
    • Make links to this page; the more it will be used, the more features I will add.
    • Tell me if you find any bug, I will try to correct them; you need to detail the steps to reproduce it.
    • Do network analysis to verify no data or credentials are sent to the server. That is why it is secure.
    • Copy all or part of the code to make your own derivated tool; it took me a long time to develop it, I dislike script kiddies stealing the code
    • Sell services based on this tool. It is a free tool for everyone.


  • /*apex*/ or apex
    Execute anonymous Apex code
  • <html>...
    Run an html page with code leveraging the Ajax Toolkit. Recommended usage:
  • apexjob [ClassName | JobId]
    List asynchroneous Apex Jobs, optionally filtered by a Class name or id
  • apexlog [id]
    List logs or display one log
  • apextest [ClassName | AsyncApexJobId]
    List Apex tests results, optionally filtered by a Class name or job Id
  • Background color
    Change the user interface background color. Useful when you want to differentiate easily a production access from a sandbox access
    Parameter: color - can be a word (color name) or a #xxyyzz value (html rgb value in hexa)
    Example: background orange
  • bulk [pk|number] select xx from yy where zz
    Run a query using the Bulk API v2. If PK is set, it will run PK Chunking using Bulk API v1 and chunksize of 200k. You can define your own size (max=250000) by replacing pk with an integer
  • bulkjob [id]
    List Bulk data loading/extracting operations or the detail of a batch
  • Cls
    Clear the screen
  • count SObjectAPIName
    High speed count of records in the object displaying same value as in Storage Usage page
  • cronjob
    List scheduled apex jobs
  • desc [SObjectName]
    List the attributes of all available objects or detailed description for one object
  • desctool [SObjectName]
    List the attributes of all system objects or detailed description for one object
  • describeMetadata
    describes features of the Metadata API. shortcut=descm
  • describeValueType theType
    describe a complex Value Type
  • erd [withpackage]
    Display the Entity Relationship Diagram
  • eventlog [Id]
    List available eventlogfiles or display one. You can drill down from the list too.
  • [cache] flush
    Empty the internal cache
  • explain [select.... | ReportId | ListViewId]
    get feedback on Query Performance: explain plan without runing the query
  • find ...
    run a SOSL query
  • index SObjectName
    Display indexed fields for the object
  • limits [config]
    Dump the limit usage for your org, with remaining values and graph, or dump the configuration limits
  • listMetadata theType [theType2] [theType3]
    lists the available Metadata components
  • password userId
    Identify if the password is expired for the user
  • readMetadata theType [fullNames...]
    reads Metadata entries
  • resetpassword userId
    Define a new random password for the user, display the value and send an e-mail to the user with a link to finish the reset process
  • runTest [ClassName(s)][withCoverage]
    Async execution of all test methods within the class. 1 or more coma-separated names, without blank space
  • Select ...
    run a SOQL query
  • Selectool ...
    run a query with the tooling API
  • Services [service]
    Dump URL access to REST API endpoints.
    Parameter: service - optional, to access a deeper endpoint
    Example: services - will dump available service endpoints
    Example: services composite - will dump composite API endpoints
    Example: services composite/tree - to dump more info on the composite tree api
    Example: services theme - will list colors and icons for each object
  • sessions
    Display info on users with active sessions
  • setpassword userId NewPassword
    Set the password value for that user
  • status [POD]
    Display the availability of all or the defined pod.
    Example: status EU6
  • vr [EntityDefinitionId or vr Id] [Active]
    List validation rules.
    Example: vr Case
  • whereIsUsed MetadataType [Metadata Component Id]
    List components that have a reference to the Metadata type or component Id.
    Example: whereIsUsed CustomLabel
    Example: whereisused CustomLabel 1010X000007m8x5QAA
    shortcut=impact ...

Listing Setup

Configure your listing


Loading some code...

Select the listing